Information activities and events
Imparting knowledge to children and adults through activities throughout the country with a pedagogical and entertaining approach.
People attend our informative workshops every year.
Events for all audiences every year.

Learning by doing...
Cada año se realizan cursos y talleres dedicados a inculcar e inspirar arte en los niños. Dichos talleres proponen estimular habilidades de expresión por medio del arte, la música y el teatro, como herramientas que potencian la transmisión de emociones y los sumergen en historias donde todo es posible.
En los Espacios Patiño, se proyectan documentales con temáticas de ciencia, historia, cultura, etc.
What I like the most about working in this foundation is...
What I like most about working at this foundation is the freedom I have to propose and carry out projects that I believe can have a positive impact.