I am a farmer
Our activities
Spaces in Bolivia
Hacienda Patiño
La Hacienda Patiño (CEASIP) se dedica al desarrollo, la validación y la transferencia de métodos y técnicas para promover la agropecuaria sostenible en suelos arenosos, pobres en nutrientes y condiciones climáticas extremas, utilizando un modelo integral de producción hortícola, frutícola, apícola y ganadera. La Hacienda Patiño agrega valor a su producción mediante la transformación y la comercialización directa.
Horarios de atención
Lun - Vie
6:00 a 15:00
6:00 a 10:00
Hacienda Pairumani
La Hacienda Pairumani aplica un modelo de producción integral que promueve la relación de unidad biológica de producción (suelo-planta-animal y ser humano), a través de la gestión agroforestal, pecuaria lechera y de suelos. Centro de referencia de la raza bovina lechera Frisona Holstein, la Hacienda imparte además cursos teóricos y prácticos a los estudiantes que completan allí sus trabajos de graduación para la obtención de una licenciatura o de un título de técnico agrícola superior.
La Hacienda Pairumani agrega valor a su producción mediante la transformación y la comercialización directa de productos lácteos de alta calidad biológica, como leche pasterizada, yogures bebibles probióticos, yogures probióticos frutados y queso, pensados para el bienestar de la familia.
Horarios de atención
Lun - Vie
7:00 a 15:00
Our victories
The Patiño Foundation helped us gain experience...
The Patiño Foundation helped us gain experience in preparing the soil and preparing and applying compost so that the plants grow healthy, whether vegetables or greens. (…)All of this we can apply to our crops and improve our production in the community.
Productor de la comunidad de Anocaraire
Hacienda Pairumani Cochabamba
Working with the Patiño Foundation helps us a lot...
My name is Juan Galarza Chacon, I have a farm in the community of Guachaca Grande in the municipality of Vinto and I have been a dairy farmer for 13 years. Working with the Patiño Foundation helps us a lot, because for example we are limited to produce milk with...
Productor de leche
Hacienda Pairumani, Cochabamba
The model of the foundation is a scale model of what I really dream of achieving one day with my property...
There are things that seem very simple but in practice are difficult to achieve, for example the order, discipline, organization and teamwork that I have seen in the foundation has led me to plan my first planting of cassava, with the advice and support of the whole team I was...
Empendedora agropecuaria. Consumidora y participante en capacitaciones de Apicultura y lácteos.
Hacienda Patiño. Santa Cruz.
We have learned a lot and it has been very helpful for those who grow and produce vegetables, fruit trees and others.
In the foundation’s workshops, we have learned to make bocachi, to make natural fertilizers with our own herbs, grasses, potato peelings, etc. We have learned a lot and it has been very helpful for those who grow and produce vegetables, fruit trees and others.
Productora de la comunidad de Iscaypata
Hacienda Pairumani, Cochabamba.
Working with Hacienda Pairumani we benefit from the exchange of experiences.
As a dairy farmer I have 28 years of experience, working with Hacienda Pairumani we benefit from the exchange of experiences, exchange of knowledge in milk production and training from the technicians of the Hacienda.
Productor de leche
Hacienda Pairumani, Cochabamba.
I would like to thank CEASIP for giving me the opportunity to do my thesis work at the center.
“In the experience I lived at Hacienda Patiño, I went through each of its areas where I was interested in the area of ‘dairy products’, focusing mainly on Yogurt. As a result of this, in 2016 I started with my family a legally established microenterprise and managed to register my...
Tesista "Caracterización morfométrica del Bovino Criollo" - Veterinario Zootecnista & propietario de MILAC.
Hacienda Patiño, Santa Cruz