Support a Project

True to its pioneering mission and its values of innovation and boldness, the Patiño Foundation regularly launches pilot projects and innovative programs in places where children need them most.

Support these projects from the start and help us help the Bolivian population.

Why support the Patiño Foundation?

By supporting the Patiño Foundation, you help improve the health and education conditions of children in difficult areas of the country.


The Encuentros Project consists of an education and health center at the foot of Cerro Rico de Potosí. This center offers educational activities as well as health and basic food for more than 75 children between the ages of 4 and 14 who live in conditions of extreme poverty, insecurity and domestic violence.


Director de Estrategia y Desarrollo
Av. Potosí 1450 entre Buenos Aires y Portales
Cochabamba | Bolivia