Make a Donation

Test: Did you discover the Patiño Foundation through one of its projects and would like to help Bolivia? The Foundation accepts both small and large donations, will not share your details and, if you wish, you can choose a specific project and be aware of where your funds are going. 100% of your donation will go to projects and field operations.

Why support the Patiño Foundation?

By donating to the Patiño Foundation, you help to provide better care for malnourished children, to develop and disseminate new teaching techniques and to develop ecological and sustainable agriculture in Bolivia.

By making a donation to the Patiño Foundation...

  • Helps treat more than 8,000 malnourished children a year.
  • Supports a Bolivian foundation that helps children and families.
  • Enables the Foundation’s local teams to innovate in the implementation of support systems for education professionals, parents and students themselves.
  • You enable a large number of Bolivian children to enjoy health at the beginning of their lives.
  • You guarantee the efficiency and excellence of the actions carried out in Bolivia.

Donation in local currency (Bs.)

Donations in foreign currency ($us.)


Director de Estrategia y Desarrollo
Av. Potosí 1450 entre Buenos Aires y Portales
Cochabamba | Bolivia