Transmitting good practices in favor of health
Health awareness is essential for the development of the country and the care of its population, as it is part of the prevention of diseases that can be easily avoided with the implementation of good domestic practices.
People benefited from campaigns and training programs.
Training activities conducted each year for parents on good housekeeping practices.

Working on research...
On the other hand, health research is essential. Each year the Foundation, through its medical professionals, conducts more than ten studies related to pediatric health, which are then applied to improve medical care and disseminate best practices.
Al igual que el libro “Protocolos de Atención Médica Pediátrica”, éste libro está dedicado a mejorar las prácticas y estandarizar procesos en el área de enfermería.
Se realizan diversos talleres para padres de familia, con el objetivo de promover la salud. Algunos de los talleres incluyen: promoción de la inmunización y controles rutinarios, estimulación motriz y sensorial temprana, prevención de la violencia intrafamiliar, inocuidad de alimentos, promoción de la lactancia esclusiva, entre otros. Estos talleres son organizados por la Fundación, o en combinación con otras instituciones locales públicas y privadas.
It makes me proud to work here....
The institution is always changing, innovating, improving and that is what makes me feel proud to work here, we are not routine, rather we work for continuous improvement.